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Mission & Vision

Established in 2015, Jesus Educational & Social Upliftment Society is a minority christian organisation holistically tackling issues at the root cause of access to quality education in India's education system that has helped to ensure over 85% enrollment and higher attendance as well as improved school infrastructure, quality of education and learning outcomes for all students.

We play a unique role in Gods plan, and we are uniquely called and gifted to serve his children.

  • Our vision: Reach every person through the love of Christ 
  • Our mission: To mobilize resources by inspiring biblical generosity

By collaborating with various National & International organizations Jesus Educational & Social Upliftment Society has included their best practices into the program. Our comprehensive model helps communities assess their school situation, initiate action plans and empowers them to sustain positive results at the lowest cost. By leveraging the government's existing investment in schools, existing private school communities and providing consulting services, The Jesus Educational & Social Upliftment Society delivers measurable results to a large number of beneficiaries and avoids duplication or parallel delivery of services.

We believe that if children in educationally backward districts are educated now, they will have the potential to enter the formal economy, gain employment and lift their families out of poverty. Because of the sustainability and scalability of the model, within one year of operations we now touching the lives of more than 200 students.

We were created in Gods image and we believe that we have limitless potential, and that all children, regardless of their background, deserve a chance to discover and realise this potential. We believe that a high-quality education that equips children with the right character and skills offers the most potential to break the cycle of poverty and help children from less-privileged communities lead empowered lives.

Measurement and Evaluation helps us monitor our progress towards these goals, helps us understand the impact we are having on the children, families and communities we serve, and ultimately holds us accountable to society in a quantifiable and transparent manner.

At Jesus Educational & Social Upliftment Society, we carefully track several data points within the organisation; everything from important strategic and financial decisions, assessment development across the school(s) and teaching in our classrooms is informed by data-driven analysis, so that we improve each year and get closer to our dream of creating a better world for our children.